From Dr. Michael and Dr. Adelle McKinney, President and Founders
Welcome to Promise Christian University. Since 2002, we have had the privilege of helping pastors and Christian leaders earn their degrees in Religious Studies, Ministry and Theology. We just concluded the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2024. What an amazing time we had. To see these men and women educated, encouraged, equipped, empowered and excited to start the next phase of their lives is worth every sacrifice we and our staff have made.
Someone told us recently, "PCU has changed my life." This is so rewarding to hear. Our vision is to educate academically, but also give our students the understanding of the supernatural power of God. To that end we have a staff of professors active and retired who on the average have more than 25 years of ministry experience. We teach not only from the head but from the heart as well.
Today's educational system sometimes lacks relationship. At PCU our classes are smaller and that gives our students and professors more interaction and the ability to bridge gaps and build a lasting relationship that make learning a real experience at Promise Christian University.
"He is faithful that promised."
-Hebrews 10:23b

Our Philosophy

Promise Christian University is a bible based theological university.
We emphasis leadership, academics, ethics, Biblical studies and the Holy Spirit at work in the world today.
We are a Christian College dedicated to New Testament teachings and doctrines.
Promise Christian University is committed to training men and women for leadership both inside as well as outside the Church in order to spread the good news of Jesus Christ globally, regionally, and locally. To this end, PCU is committed to providing quality academic instruction while also strengthening the character and spiritual life of its students. This emphasis results in earned degrees designed to increase and enrich students’ knowledge and proficiency in God’s word, and also provide them with useful practical tools for the unique ministry challenges they will encounter.
Our History

Do not despise the day of small things. We started in a church, World for Jesus International Christian Center with qualified pastor instructors from the Pastors Network of Southern California. We believe in quality not quantity. With over 100 pastors members of the Pastors Network, students came from USA and from Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, Korea, India, Norway, Denmark, Cameroon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Australia, Sierra Leone, Congo, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya to earn their degree in Ministry. "The harvest is great but the laborers are few." Matthew 9:37. The mark of a Promise Christian University graduate is that they have a passion to serve God and have the knowledge and skills to navigate through ministry to reach their destiny in Christ.
The foundation-laying work which preceded the birth of PCU was the undertaking of Drs. Michael and Adelle McKinney, which began with the training of pastors and ministry leaders from 1998 – 2002 through their Pastors Network based educational Institution. In 2002, Promise Christian University was incorporated by World for Jesus International Christian Center as the ministry training and preparation school for their organization and the Pastors Network of Churches, and registered as a religious exempt school with the BPPE. Independent churches who are approved for membership in the Pastors Network of Churches www.pastorsnetwork.org are welcome to enroll their members at Promise Christian University.